Follow-Up & Outreach Programs
This is an extension of the services provided by Tearmann House through which women are given support in their current situation and in carrying out their plans. Follow-up is provided to women, who have left the shelter within six months, and they can access this program for a maximum of 6 months. When working with the Follow-Up counsellor, the women set their own counselling goals with their counsellor. The Follow-Up Counsellor will also provide group facilitation, advocacy, court accompaniment and case conference facilitation/support.
Tearmann's Follow-Up Counsellor also works outside of the shelter partnering to provide group programs and information sessions in Pictou Landing First Nations Community.
- Brenda Place provides safe, affordable housing and supportive programs for women and children who have left their homes due to abusive situations.
- Brenda Place provides an opportunity to women and their children to live independently in a safe, supportive environment.
- Brenda Place has a coordinator who will assist women in their journey of healing by offering supportive counselling, advocacy and group programs.
- Families residing at Brenda Place may stay for a period of one year. Second Stage Housing consists of four (3) bedroom units and two (2) bedroom units. One of the two bedroom units is wheelchair accessible.
To apply or for more information, call Tearmann Follow-Up Counsellor/ Brenda Place Coordinator at 902-755-3123 or 902-752-0077 or email
Tearmann Society for Abused Women partner's with Eastern Mainland Housing to provide residents of Brenda Place - Second Stage Housing this safe and affordable housing. The Program Coordinator's position for Brenda Place is currently funded by the Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia. Great work happens with great partnerships.
"Second Stage has helped me grow and discover. It has helped me to learn to believe in myself. It has tested me in so many ways through the rules and boundaries that are enforced. In that it has taught me a new level of patience." - Brenda’s Place Resident
Tearmann Outreach
Some women do not need the services of the shelter but still want support. Tearmann Outreach provides supportive services through counselling, support groups, advocacy and safety planning. Tearmann Outreach has an office in a separate location. The Outreach Counsellor can also arrange to meet in a pre-arranged safe location for individual appointments for those who are in more rural areas. Our Outreach Counsellor is also available to meet with individuals, agencies, community organizations and service groups to discuss Tearmann services and the Neighbours, Friends & Families program.
Thank You Tearmann! I woudn't be functioning upright without you. -Outreach Client
In Person or by phone, this service allows for women to be heard, explore options and make plans for their future; information is provided about what happens because of abuse, women’s rights and services available in the community.
We help with referrals and advocacy with other agencies such as schools, mental health, housing, and accessing services from other agencies such as Legal Aid, and Community Services.
Support Groups:
These groups provide a confidential and safe place for women to explore their choices and learn new skills. Tearmann offers open and closed groups and topics will vary from abuse related topics, personal development and mindfulness.
On an evaluation, when one participant was asked "What did you like least about the group?" Her reply was "That it was coming to an end." -Group Client
"I have an inner strength I didn't know I had." -Outreach Client
If you, or someone you know, would benefit from Outreach Services, please call 902-752-2591 or email
For information about current group programs please click here!
Tearmann welcomes the opportunity to meet with community groups, church groups, agencies, etc. to share information about services and programs. Tearmann also participates in various symposiums with other community groups. If your group would like to have a presentation about Tearmann Society, please do not hesitate to call. Contact us
If you would like more information about Neighbours, Friends & Family, please contact Lori at